The styling of different information on this website

In the interests of ease of reading, I've tried to use a consistent style of marking up different types of information on my pages.  If your browser is capable of rendering CSS, then you can see an example of this on my styling template page.  Other browsers shouldn't notice anything different than any other webpage (i.e. they'll see simple webpages, nothing special about them, and nothing special required to see them), but these are the sorts of things that I've done:

Of course, you need a browser that supports CSS to see the effect, and a decent browser to do a good job of it (i.e. not Microsoft's Internet Explorer—even now, in 2006, it's still a very poor product, not supporting standard features, or wrongly implementing them).  Less capable browsers won't get the full effect, but the pages should still be quite readable.  The pages have been authored properly, the styling is extra information for those browsers that can make use of it.

Main sections:
contact details
business info
personal info
eBay & trading
“sales” ads
“wanted” ads
video production
misc info
website info/help