Scenes from around Modbury

This is what it looks like now (in the 2000s) around the area where I grew up in the 1970s.  Modbury was farmland that became used for housing around the 1960s.  There used to be a few moderately large fields between some of the blocks of houses, now there's only a few bits of space left.  Nearby Golden Grove used to be all fields until it was snaffled up for housing around the 1980s, now it's become battery housing, and the same happening to my area (knock-downs, removing all the trees, and cramming two or three houses into the same space).  These photos were taken by myself and a friend using my digital Polaroid camera over 2001–2002.

[photo of creek bank alongside Dry Creek in Modbury, South Australia
Part of our local creek, where we used to play as kids, though it used to be more feral
[photo of rubbish in Dry Creek, Modbury, South Australia]
As ever, our creek seems to be a dumping ground, be it pollution or stolen goods
[photo of a field alongside Montague Road, Modbury, South Australia]
We still have some areas that look a bit like you're entering a country town
[photo alongside Montague Road, Modbury North, towards the Tea Tree Gully Council Chambers, with Anstey Hill in the background]
It used to look more like this, with some fields between housing blocks
[photo of Clovercrest Reserve towards the Clovercrest Shops, in Modbury, South Australia]

The local reserve, a vast space of nothing save for a paltry playground (behind the camera).  Space is nice, very nice.  But a few more park benches, maybe a picnic table, and equipment for kids older than toddlers might be an idea.

[photo of Dry Creek, Modbury, resisting being landscaped]
Another part of the creek, nature struggling against attempts at landscaping
[photo of almost wild scrubland next to Dry Creek, Modbury, South Australia]
A bit of almost natural landscape
[photo of a field near the corner of Montague and Kelly Roads, Modbury, South Australia
A field of weeds
[photo of the Hope Valley Reservoir in South Australia]
Around the local water reservoir
[photo of the Hope Valley Reservoir in South Australia]
Around the local water reservoir