Pricing will have to be worked out after assessing your tapes.
Some tapes cannot be played back, either because they've deteriorated, or
they're a different half-inch video standard. And those that can be
played may require a bit of fiddling around to make them play well enough
to be dubbed.
- 1970s monochrome half-inch open reel-to-reel video tape
- EIAJ CCIR (625 lines, 50 Hertz fields)
tape standard compatible with various National Panasonic NV-3000 series
VTRs, and Sony AV-3600 series VTRs
- Has a proper servo motor capstan, so it's better at playing stabily
on-speed than some of the other 3000 series VTRs (which
used a motor running over-speed, with variable braking applied for
speed and tracking phase control), and has a bit of leeway for playing
tapes recorded slightly off the correct speed.
I'd like to get a service manual, or a schematic, for this
machine. If anybody can help with that, please
contact me.