Modbury West Primary School (MWPS)

Grade 1 - 1975

(My grade 1 class photo.) [73kb]

This photo was taken some time during my first year of primary school (1975), with Mrs. Pallant as our teacher, and as far as I'm aware, nobody was absent that day.  I remember most of the boys, a couple of the girls, and I have a list of the first names of everyone in this photo.

Grade 5 - 1979

(My grade 5 class photo.) [59kb]

This one was taken during my fifth year at primary school, with Mrs. Preston as our teacher.  Again, I can remember most of the boys, but only a few of the girls; and, unfortunately, I don't have a list of the names to go with this photo.

After a lot of searching, these have been the only school photos that I've managed to find.  But, if I do find the others, I'll include them.  Are you in these photos too?  Can you pick which one is me?  Do you know who's who?  (I've not named who's who, here, for all to see; and I'm not going to, as I don't want to subject people to internet loonies.)

If you know me, it'd be nice to hear from you (see my contact details for how to get in touch).  Unless you're one of those cretins who gave me years of hell at school, in which case, you can get lost (Colin S.—the first photo, second from the left, bottom row—can rot in hell, for all I care; he was a psychotic little imbecile in primary school, and still was when I saw him in high school while I was working there).

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